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System Overview

The Bruker Dimension Icon AFM incorporates the latest evolution of Bruker’s industry-leading nanoscale imaging and characterization technologies on a large sample tip-scanning AFM platform. The Icon’s temperature-compensating position sensors render noise levels in the sub-angstroms range for the Z-axis, and angstroms in X-Y.







Technical Specifications

  • ScanAsyst® Imaging – ScanAsyst is a PeakForce Tapping based image optimization technique that enables every user to create the highest resolution AFM images using single-touch scanning.
  • Conventional Tapping Mode – for topology/roughness/step-height measurements
  • Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) – can be used to image both naturally occurring and deliberately written domain structures in magnetic materials.
  • Electric Force Microscopy (EFM) – is used for electrical failure analysis, detecting trapped charges, mapping electric polarization, and performing electrical read/write, among other applications.
  • Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM) – is widely used for analysing the surface potential of the structures.
  • Conductive AFM (CAFM) – used to measure and map current of the sample in the 2pA to 1µA range while simultaneously collecting topographic information.

E6-05-08A, Characterization Room
