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Date:    27 Nov 2019 | 2 to 5 pm
Venue: Eureka I & II, Level 6, Block E6, 5 Engineering Drive 1, S(117608)

We held the very first E6NanoFab open day on 27 Nov 2019 which saw overwhelming participation. A/Prof Zhu Cun Xiang, Deputy Director of E6NanoFab Operations kicked off the open day with welcome speech. He  invited the research community to leverage on E6NanoFab’s cutting edge facilities for their experiment.

Click here for higher resolution of the video posted on Youtube.

Following the welcome speech, E6NanoFab’s process engineer, Dr David Xu gave an overall view of the capability and heads up on the 2020 price plan.

During the facility overview session, Mr Li Sifan, PhD student and superuser introduced the latest Molecular Beam Epitaxy tool.  The two ultra high vacuum growth chambers  can be operated simultaneously and support multiple source of materials.

  • Chamber 1: Mo, W, Hf, Zr, Ta, S, Se, Te.
  • Chamber 2: C, Si, Ge, Sn

Dr Han Weiding, superuser of E6NanoFab Metrology Lab presented the recently commissioned  Tescan Gaia3 Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Micrsocopy. The SIMS techniques incorporating both material analysis and nanofabrication.

Femtosecond lasers have opened up new avenues in materials processing due to their unique characteristics of ultrashort pulse widths and extremely high peak intensities. Mr Joven Kwek, research engineer of  Center of Quantum Technologies  (CQT) was excited to share the ultra short-pulse laser micro-machining capabilities. The capabilities is a joint collaboration project by E6NanoFab and CQT.

E6NanoFab welcomes all research collaboration opportunities with both internal and external parties. Please email us on for your research interest.

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